Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lesson 5: The Eyes and It's Sense of Sight

What is sight?

From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night, your eyes are acting like a video camera. Everything you look at is then sent to your brain for processing and storage much like a video cassette. This is a very simplified explanation, but as you read on, you will discover why the sense of sight is actually considered the most complex of the five senses.

An online game: does not make you read a lot, it makes you understand a lot.

Lesson 4: The Ear and It's Sense of Hearing

What is Hearing?

                    - the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through an organ such as the ear.It is one of the traditional five senses. The inability to hear is called deafness. This videos will help you find out why we can perceive sounds:

An online game: does not make you read a lot, it makes you understand a lot.
♪♫♫You Rock! ♪♫♪

Let's Test Your Ears:

Look at the pictures below. Try to produce their sounds.

Lesson 3: The Tongue and It's Sense of Taste

What is taste?

                    - Taste is one of the five senses, the others being sight, smell, touch hearing. Our chief organ of taste is the tongue, which is covered with tiny cells or taste buds. These react to different taste and send messages to the brain. Here is a video for you to understand more what our tongue and its sense of taste is.

A video test:

An online game: does not make you read a lot, it makes you understand a lot.

Yum, Yum, Yum!

Lesson 2: The Nose and It's Sense of Smell

What is smell? 

                    - the ability of humans and other animals to perceive odor. Odor, the percept resultant from the sense of smell. There are two differenet types of smell; the pleasant smell(good odor) and the unpleasant smell(bad odor). Check out this cool video to know more about what the nose and smell is.

Photo Gallery:

An online game: does not make you read a lot, it makes you understand a lot.

Group Texting Activity:

Have a partner to work with this activity. Using your cellphones, give me 10 examples for the pleasant and unpleasant smell. The first pair who will give me the correct answer will be the winner. Goodluck!